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This has truly been a cooperative work, one that could never have achieved the size and scope it has without the contributions of many people.
I am especially indebted to the following:
Richard Kenneth ("Dick") Dibble Here is a brief listing of who has provided what. If I have left anyone or anything out, I apologize, and I hope folks will provide additions and corrections. SOURCE CREDITS Richard Kenneth Dibble My father was the inspiration for the creation of this site. He provided most of the initial information to get this project started, connected me with other members of the family, and obtained very valuable resources, particularly on the Norwegian branches. Magaret "Peggy" Dibble Hanson Peggy tirelessly searched her own records and those of the Goodhue County Historical Society to provide information on Dibbles and their descendants from Lieutenant Jonathan Dibble of Connecticut up to the present. She was the first to provide information on Dibbles before Richard "Dick" Dibble of Cannon Falls, MN, and she took the trouble to shoot and send photographs of important Dibble locations. George A. Dibble III George maintains a Dibble Family Facebook page, and prior to that, an email community and Google Group of Dibble researchers. He has painstakingly documented his research, and has provided a clearinghouse of Dibble information collected by many people, including the pioneering work of Van Buren Lamb, Jr., the "godfather" of Dibble genealogy. His information has enabled me to compare and evaluate sources for information on the Dibbles from their arrival in North America up to the migration to Indiana. More recently, his monumental work of scanning all of Lamb's binder pages and notecards, and distributing them freely to all who ask for them, has made possible many recent updates to this site. Van Buren Lamb, Jr. From the 1920s into the 1980s, Van Buren Lamb, Jr. exhaustively researched the Dibble line, traveling to Dibble family sites and corresponding with family members, sending out thousands of queries to collect information. He carefully recorded the results on index cards, and published them in a genealogy magazine called "Your Ancestors". He is considered the most important source on Dibble genealogy. No one could work in this field without his help. Olga "Ollie" Morud Amundson Ollie Amundson provided extensive anecdotal and geneological history on the Morud and Halden families, most of which I have paraphrased, and some of which I have quoted, here. Cannon Falls Historical Museum This museum and its curator, Heidi Holmes-Helgren, provided a wealth of primary source information and publications in the early 2000s that greatly expanded my knowledge of the details of the lives of the Dibble, Kowitz, Wilson and Coplin families. Goodhue County (MN) Historical Society The Society provided Peggy Dibble Hanson and me with invaluable information including obituaries, excerpts from history books, and a plat map of Stanton Township. Jolene Grabill Jolene, a descendant of John Dibble of Connecticut's son Henry J. Dibble, provided extensive information on the descendants of Henry's son William Dibble and his wife Lucy Kerr, including some of the writings of her aunt Sylvia Grabill. She has also generously provided family photos and considerable information on, and photos of, the Brush Cemetery in Stamford, CT. Sylvia Grabill Sylvia Grabill authored the story of the Kansas Immigrant Train used on the "Indiana Dibbles" page, as well as a family history going back to the 17th. and 18th. centuries. I have only used some of her work so far, but more may be added later. Sarah Fayas Sarah is a descendant of the Goodhue County farmer Alonzo Dibble's granddaughter Ora Conley. She has provided a vast treasure trove of photographs and other information from the collections of Sarah Dibble Conley and Ora Conley Dreher that have deeply enriched this website, and she maintains a very well-researched family tree on Ancestry.com that has been a useful reference for my research. Glee Nelson Stark Glee is the granddaughter of Glee Dibble, whose father was Richard "Dick" Dibble of Cannon Falls, MN. She has bravely entrusted me with the family photos and other memorabilia that belonged to her grandmother, as well as with details about Glee Dibble, her husband Victor Johnson, and their descendants. Many photos from this collection are included on this website as of June 2022, and more, from both later and earlier periods, will eventually be added. The Norwegian Genealogy Facebook Group This group has many thousands of members and is very active. Several of them very patiently walked me through various conundrums concerning our Norwegian families and enabled me to understand and publish a great deal of new information about them. Bonnie Cattnach Bonnie was a descendant of Stephan Orzechowski, and she provided much of my original information that family. Jess Garcia Jess is a descendant of Stephan Orzechowski. She provided vital links to a great deal of new information about that family that enabled me to greatly expand the "From Russia (or Poland?) with Love" page and correct many errors. Richard Scott Dibble Richard is my brother, another descendant of Jonathan and Richard "Dick" Dibble of Cannon Falls, Minnesota. In Sepember 2020 he and his family made a trip to Wisconsin, Minnesota, and northern Indiana, where he met many family members and collected a very large number of photographs, which he worked hard to annotate. Some of this material appears on the "Between Two Wars" page of the website as of June 2022. Much more will be used on later pages as I continue to revise them. Nellie Irene Whitted Nellie discovered my website and sent me dozens of email messages with links to Norwegian Digital Archives sources for many of our Kvern, Morud and Halden ancestors. We both struggled with a common language barrier (she, being Norwegian, knew little English, and I, an American, knew absolutely no Norwegian) that was further obfuscated by the sometimes comical inadequacies of Google Translate. In order to try to understand and respond intelligently to her massive flood of information, I was forced to learn how to use the very valuable Norwegian Digital Archives, which enabled me to push my information on those families back anther two or three generations. Rob Halvorson Rob spontaneously sent me a long Word file containing data he had laboriously collected on the ancestors of Karl Arne Kvern, including that person's aunt Anna Marie Kvern, who was my great-great grandmother. This information takes that family back into the 17th century, though unfortunately, at this writing I've only been able to corroborate, and publish, some of it. Linda Dibble McCool Linda, a descendant of John Dibble of Connecticut's son Charles, early on provided a great many names and dates that appear on the "Indiana Dibbles" page linked to this site. I have since been able to verify most of it with official sources. Marilyn Lamb Marilyn, a grandchild of Ole and Ella Morud, furnished a great deal of information on Morud descendants Jeff Cullison Jeff provided some of my first leads on the Indiana Dibbles. Wilma Lohide Wilma provided additional detail on Indiana Dibbles. Jennifer Warren Jennifer provided additional sources for the possible paternity of Jonathan/Jonathon Dibble by John Dibble of Bedford, NY. Dorothea Butler Macnamara Dorothea was one of the original sources of much early Dibble information archived by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Gwen Nelson Gwen is an Orzechowski descendant and budding genealogist who provided information and some photographs that appear on the website. Jo Edkins Jo Edkins has put together a tremendously valuable trove of information on the Robert Deeble line, "The early history of the Dibblee family", and it's all at: https://www.theedkins.co.uk/jo/genealogy/earlydib/index.htm
Robert Deeble's signature: Scan of an actual Robert Deeble signature on the "document about setting up maintenance for a new free school in Dorchester", from the Early Dibblees website maintained by Jo Edkins, at: https://www.theedkins.co.uk/jo/genealogy/earlydib/robert.htm.
Deeble Arms (Jewer's Church Notes): Line drawing; image of a coat of arms taken from a burial at East Antony Parish in Cornwall, England, for Oliver Deeble, who was buried October 13, 1656; from Jewer's Church Notes, at: https://archive.org/stream/heraldicchurchno00jewerich#page/52/mode/2up
Boston and its Environs: Hand-drawn map; "A map showing Boston and vicinity, including Bunker Hill, Dorchester Heights, and troop disposition of Gen. Artemas Ward during the Siege of Boston", from Wikipedia.
Plan of Ancient Windsor: Hand-drawn map; from www.phelpsfamilyhistory.com.
The Pequot Fort at Mystic: Line drawing; from Alyanna's BLOG: Pequot War, at: http://thisisalyannasblog.blogspot.com/2014/09/pequot-war.html
Pequot War: Mason's March: Map with printed names; from Educational Technology Clearinghouse, at: etc.usf.edu
The Great Swamp Fight - December 19, 1675: Black and white reproduction of a painting, from Wikipedia.
Mulford House, East Hampton, Long Island, NY: Black and white photograph, from Wikipedia.
Dibble Coat of Arms: line drawing, probably drawn by Van Buren Lamb, Jr.; provided by George A. Dibble, III
The Middle Colonies 1607 - 1760: map, origin unknown; provided by Ancestry.com website
Stamford Harbor: painted postcard, origin unknown; from the Stamford Historical Society website
Bull's Head in the Bowery, between Bayard and Pump Sts now Canal St, N.Y. 1783: Woodcut; from BoweryBoysHistory.com
Lt. Jonathan Dibble's headstone - circa 1950: photograph, probably by Della Dibble Aslakson or Ann Wold Armiger; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson
Lt. Jonathan Dibble's headstone - October 2015: photograph by Jolene Grabill, provided by Jolene Grabill
Smith Tavern, North Castle, NY: photograph by Don Sutherland, taken April 24, 2009; from flickr.com
Brush Cemetery, 246 East Middle Patent Road, Greenwich, CT: photograph by Jolene Grabill, provided by Jolene Grabill
View of Brush Cemetery from 246 E. Middle Patent Road, Greenwich, CT: photograph by Jolene Grabill, provided by Jolene Grabill
Satellite photo showing the location of Brush Cemetery and the CT-NY border: Google Map; provided by Jolene Grabill
Map of southwestern CT showing the location of Brush Cemetery and other places: Google Map; provided by Jolene Grabill
Southeastern Indiana 1895: map, origin unknown; from the 1895 US Atlas website
Patriot Jail 1820: photograph, from www.historyinyourownbackyard.com
Shawnee People of Indiana: oil painting made in 2005 entitled "Shawnee Lookout", from Bill Robinson Research Archive
The Battle of Fallen Timbers: painting, from America Pink
Indian Treaties map: map, from Wikipedia
Daniel Smith: photograph, from Ancestry.com (Kauffman/Harms Family Tree; uplinked by Sheryl Garza)
Section - Washington St. Millersburg, Ind.: photograph, from the Hoosier_Recollections page on flickr.com
John Dibble of Connecticut's Headstone Patriot Cemetery, Patriot, Indiana: photograph from Alan L. Fisher, on Find-a-Grave.com
Sarah Dibble of Connecticut's Headstone Patriot Cemetery, Patriot, Indiana: photograph from Alan L. Fisher, on Find-a-Grave.com
Flatboating on the Ohio River in the 1830s: black and white reproduction of a watercolor painting, from Indiana Public Media
Alonzo Dibble (about 1850): tintype photograph, provided by Sarah Fayas
Rocker Box: photograph, from www.goldcradle.com
California Gold Rush Sluice Miners: woodcut, from www.alamy.com
Minnesota Emmigration poster: poster, from the Minnesota Historical Society
The "Dibble Homestead", Quercus Grove, IN: photograph; provided by Linda Dibble McCool
Antique map of Dearborn County, Indiana: map 1908 by Geo. A. Ogle & Co., from MyGenealogyHound.com
Antique map of Switzerland County, Indiana: map 1908 by Geo. A. Ogle & Co., from MyGenealogyHound.com
Map of Ohio County, Indiana, USA: from Wikipedia
Gibson, Parish & Co. advertisement: Reproduction of a newspaper advertisement in The American Furniture Gazette, from Amazon.com
The William D. Gibson Co., Chicago, IL, circa 1923: promotional photograph provided with invoices by the company, from Forgotten Chicago (forgottenchicago.com)
Silas Dibble: Unverified photographs purportedly of Silas Dibble, from ancestry.com
A View From Langley's Hill of The City of Aurora, Indiana, during the Flood of February 16, 1883: photograph by James N. Walton, from the "DNA Explained" blog at wordpress.com
The Great Flood of 1884, at Lawrenceburg, Ind.: photograph from the "DNA Explained" blog at wordpress.com
Civil War Veteran Alonzo Dibble in 1943: photograph, from Lynn Bernhard, on ancestry.com
Patriot Baptist Church, Patriot, Indiana: photograph, from History in Your Own Backyard
The Courtyard, Rising Sun, Indiana (former Shadrach Hathaway General Store): photgraph, from Sibcy Cline Realtors
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Lands poster: two-color reproduction of an advertising poster, from www.kansasmemory.org
Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe Station, Newton, KS 1871: photograph, from truewestmagazine.com
Dibble Sisters Children of William Dibble & Lucy Kerr: photograph, from Jolene Grabill
(Clockwise from top left) Walter Dibble Grabill, Harriet "Hattie" Dibble Grabill, H. William Grabill, Lucy Kerr Dibble: photograph, from Jolene Grabill
Indian Territory 1875: map, from www.hhhistory.com
Settlers waiting for the signal to cross into the Cherokee Strip: photograph, from the Cherokee Strip Land Rush Museum
East Enterprise, Switzerland County, IN, circa 1910: photograph, from the Hoosier_Recollections page at flickriver
Two young girls at the East Enterprise Post Office: enlarged portion of the previously cited photograph, from the Hoosier_Recollections page at flickriver
Business section of Millersburg Ind being destroyed by fire evening of Nov 19: photograph, from the Hoosier_Recollections page at flickriver
Quercus Grove Grade School (built before 1920): photograph, from InGenWeb
Quercus Grove United Methodist Church in 2015: photograph taken December 2015 by JoeAlaska, from WunderPhotos
Lt. John J. Dibble, 18th. Indiana Infantry: photograph (P0473), provided by Indiana Historical Society
Battle of Pea Ridge or Elkhorn Tavern: map, from www.longislandtwins.com
Jefferson C. Davis: photograph, from AnnMarieAckerman.com
Battle of Port Gibson: map, from douglasking3002.wordpress.com
General John A. McClernand: photograph, from civilwardailygazette.com
General Eugene Carr: photograph, from www.oldpicture.com
Battle of Champion Hill: map, from www.civilwar.org
Assaults on Vicksburg May 19, 1863: map, from jamesgammellchronicles.blogspot.com
Battle of Chickamauga 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. September 20, 1863: map, from Wikipedia
General George H. Thomas: photograph, from Wikipedia
A Union Navy riverboat similar to the USS Victory: photograph of the USS Fairplay, from Wikipedia
Battle of Nashville map, from Wikipedia
Major John J. Ely: photograph, from www.oldpicture.com
Minnesota Territory 1832 - 1857: map, origin unknown; provider unknown
U. S. Mail Stages: newspaper advertisement; from "Roads and Trails in the Minnesota Triangle 1849-60", magazine article in the collection of the Minnesota Historical Society (http://collections.mnhs.org/MNHistoryMagazine/articles/11/v11i04p387-411.pdf)
First house in the village of Cannon Falls: photocopy of photograph, published in Historical Sketches of Cannon Falls, 1854-1954; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson
Hawkeye Mills, Hay Creek MN (circa 1870): photograph, from mnopedia.org, originally from Goodhue County Historical Society
Louisa Ahlers Dibble: photograph; provided by Sarah Fayas
Sod-cutting plow used by Goodhue County settlers: photograph from the Goodhue County Historical Society; published in Goodhue County Minnesota: A Narrative History by Frederick L. Johnson (2000)
Lewis and Betsy Conley Home in Kossuth, Iowa: photograph; provided by Sarah Fayas
Run on the Seamen's Savings Bank during the Panic: woodcut, from the Wikipedia Commons
Ann Eliza (Smith) Dibble: photograph, from the albums of Sarah Dibble Conley; provided by Sarah Fayas
Dakota people circa 1862: photograph, "Dakota group shortly before outbreak"; from the Dakota Conflict Trials website
Execution of Dakota ringleaders at Mankato: drawing, "Hanging of 38 Sioux"; from the Dakota Conflict Trials website
1rst. Minnesota Heavy Artillery outside Chattanooga, TN: photograph; from http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/djw/civilwar.ridler.html
Some of Cannon Falls' earliest businesses: photocopy of photograph, published in Historical Sketches of Cannon Falls, 1854-1954; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson
Early view of downtown Cannon Falls: photocopy of photograph, published in Historical Sketches of Cannon Falls, 1854-1954; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson
Main St. looking east, Cannon Falls - "very early": photocopy of photograph, published in Historical Sketches of Cannon Falls, 1854-1954; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson
Jonathan Dibble's house, Cannon Falls: photocopy of photograph, published in Chronicles of Cannon Falls (1976); provided by Goodhue County Historical Society
Sarah C (Smith) Dibble: photograph, from the albums of Sarah Dibble Conley, provided b Sara Fayas
Sarah C (Smith) Dibble & daughter Ann E.: photograph, from the albums of Glee Dibble Johnson, provided by Glee Stark
Ann E. Dibble (1875-1879): photograph, from the albums of Sarah Dibble Conley, provided by Sarah Fayas
Edward A., Alice M., Sarah L. Dibble: photograph; provided by Peggy Dibble
West side of 4th. St., looking south from Mill St., Cannon Falls, before 1878: photograph; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman (1996)
Judge John Wilson: photograph; published in Chronicles of Cannon Falls 1976 by the Bicentennial Heritage Committee, published by the Cannon Falls Beacon
Jonathan Dibble Family Gravesite: photograph from Ann Dibble memorial page at Find-a-Grave; added by CW 11/20/2010
Rev. J.R. Barnes house ("Dell Nook"), Dibble farm, Stanton Twnshp.: photograph published in Chronicles of Cannon Falls 1976 by the Bicentennial Heritage Committee, published by the Cannon Falls Beacon
Våler Church, Hedmark, Norway (built 1805): photograph; from Wikipedia Commons
Aslakrud Farm Entrance, Våler, Hedmark, Norway - September 2019: photograph; from Google Maps
Morud Farm, Våler, Hedmark, Norway - September 2019: photograph; from Google Maps
Ringsaker Parish c. 1903: Map, source unknown; posted by Harald Søren Storaker to the Norwegian Genealogy Facebook group on January 23, 2023, and edited to add the approximate location of the Fredrikshald bruk
The Ringsaker Church (Moelv, Norway): photograph; from Pinterest
Nedre Fjelstad, Ringsaker, Hedmark, Norway - October 2019: photograph; from Google Maps
The Main Sønsterud Farm, Åsnes, Hedmark, Norway (early 1900s): photograph, in the public domain, from garystockbridge617.getarchive.net
Sønsterudkvern Mill (early 20th century): photograph by Arnfinn. T. Olsen, posted to Facebook group "You know you're from Åsnes when you remember..." by Lars Erik Fjeldseth
Preston, MN - 1865: photograph, "Businesses, Preston"; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Example of a sod house, 1880: photograph, "Dakota sod house"; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Fergus Falls, MN - 1880: stereograph photograph, "Street in Fergus Falls"; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Red Wing, MN - 1880: photograph, "View of Barn Bluff and Red Wing"; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Fergus Falls, MN 1900: photograph, "Birds eye views of Fergus Falls"; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Wheat harvest, northern MN, 1900: photograph, "Scene in a harvest field binding wheat, Red River Valley"; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Main St., Warren, MN - 1909: photograph, "Main Street, Warren"; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Postcard - Warren, MN 1911: painted postcard, "Bird's eye view, Warren"; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Fergus Wagon Works, Fergus Falls 1890: photograph; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Snake River, Warren, MN 1919: color printed postcard, "Snake River in Warren"; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Kongsberg Cemetery, Otter Tail County MN - October 2019: photograph; from Google Maps
Goodhue County 1890: map, origin unknown; from the 1895 US Atlas website
A typical Beacon front page: microfilm; from the Minnesota Historical Society's Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub
Dibble Farm, Stanton Township, after 1870: photograph; from Sarah Dibble Conley photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Ella Coplin circa 1885: photograph, from the albums of Sarah Dibble Conley, provided by Sarah Fayas
Richard Dibble: photograph, origin unknown; provided by Richard Scott Dibble
Cannon Falls Baseball Team 1887: photocopy of photograph, published in Historical Sketches of Cannon Falls, 1854-1954; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson
Alonzo Dibble Stanton: newspaper-printed photograph from a set of "distinguished citizens of Goodhue County"
Edward Alonzo Dibble in the 1880s: photograph; from Ora Conley Dreher's photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Sarah Dibble Conley with Emma, Dr. Ed, and Myra: photograph; from Ora Conley Dreher's photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Dr. Ed Conley, dentist C.E. Conley, A.T. Conley, about 1890: photograph from Goodhue County Historical Society; published in Goodhue County Minnesota: A Narrative History by Frederick L. Johnson, 2000
Frank & Alice Dibble Richardson - 1888: photograph; from Ora Conley Dreher's photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Ruins of fire of 1887: west side of 4th. St. and Mill St., Cannon Falls: photograph from Cannon Falls Beacon files; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman, 1996
After 1887 fire: Corner 4th and Mill Streets, Cannon Falls: photograph; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman, 1996
Zelle Richardson - early 1890s: photograph; from Ora Conley Dreher's photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Osee Matson "O.M." Hall: photograph; from A History of Goodhue County Minnesota, by C. A. Rasmussen; 1935
Dick Dibble - Bertha Kowitz wedding photo September 1894: photograph, from the albums of Sarah Dibble Conley, provided by Sarah Fayas
Ora Conley (age 1) & Alonzo Conley (age 3) - 1895: photograph; from Ora Conley Dreher's photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
West side of 4th. St. looking north from Main St. Cannon Falls, late 1800s: photograph from the Cannon Falls Historical Museum; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman, 1996
Jessie, Willard, Willis & Della Dibble: photograph; from Ora Conley Dreher's photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Donald Nathan Dibble (age 5, abt 1899): photograph; from Ora Conley Dreher's photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Laura Crook Dibble d Delle Dibble: photograph; from Ancestry.com, from the Crook Family Tree
Rebecca Chapman Dibble: photograph; from Ora Conley Dreher's photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Alonzo Dibble monument: photograph by Peggy Dibble Hanson, 1999; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson
A steam thresher and threshing crew, about 1900: photograph from the Goodhue County Historical Society; published in Goodhue County Minnesota: A Narrative History by Frederick L. Johnson, 2000
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Aslakson with their children: photograph; from The Naeseth-Fehn Family History, by Gerhard Brandt Naeseth; 1956
The Cannon Falls in 1890: photograph; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Charles Ahlers Co. G Basketball Team 1897: photograph; from ,i>Minnesota Hoops: Basketball in the North Star State by Mark Hugunin and Stew Thornley (2006, Minnesota Historical Society Press)
Edward and Edith (Kowitz) Wilson: photograph; from Acestry.com (contributed by SLFlora on November 6, 2013)
The Dibble Block (single story, north side of West Mill St., about 1910): photograph; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman, 1996
Dick Dibble's House - Cannon Falls - 1999: photograph by Peggy Dibble Hanson; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson
Clair (left) and George "Dody" Wilson, about 1910: photograph supplied by Rose Wilson; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman (1996)
Bertha Kowitz Dibble: photograph; provided by Richard K. Dibble
John S. Aslakson - 1909: photograph; from St. Olaf College Viking Yearbook 1909 (Juniors) (https://elevator.stolaf.edu/archives/asset/viewAsset/588a213ce758aea74cf0fcce)
Della Dibble June 20 1914: photograph; Ancestry.com, provided by flowermama7 on March 25, 2015
"Wear-Ever" Aluminum Cooking Utensils: drawing (advertisement); from Amazon.com
Glee Doris & Archibald Richard Dibble (about 1907): photographs; from the collection of Sarah Dibble Conley, provided by Sarah Fayas
Midshipman Charles Milford Elder Annapolis Class of 1909: photograph; from the US Naval Academy yearbook The Lucky Bag, 1909
The USS Georgia June 1906: photograph; from the archives of the Naval History and Heritage Command website; obtained from Wikipedia
Plock, "Congress Poland", in 1852: painting; from Wikipedia, captioned as "Plock in 1852, by Wojciech Gerson"; listed as public domain.
Portions of Congress Poland in 1855: map; by "Czarnobog"; from DeviantArt.com, captioned as "Congress Poland 1855 (a historical map); this image was cropped
Russian Cossacks on Senatorska Street near the Blue Palace, Warsaw, during one of the riots in 1905: photograph; from Wikipedia; captioned as "Cossacks holding their rifles up, photographed on Senatorska street near the Blue Palace, Warsaw, during one of the riots in 1905"; listed as public domain.
Chicago & Northwestern Railway Station, Winona, Minn.: colorized postcard; from Pinterest; captioned as "Chicago & Northwestern Railway Station, Winona, Minnesota, 1900s"
Winona, MN 1915: photograph; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
3rd. St, Winona, MN 1918: postcard entitled, "Third St., Winona, Minn. - Merchants Bank on Right"; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
St. Stanislaw's Church and School, Winona, MN 1905: postcard painting; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Excursion paddleboat, Winona, MN 1908: postcard photograph; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Stephan Orzechowski Family about 1922: photocopy of photograph; provided by Bonnie Cattnach
Stephan Orzechowski in 1941: photocopy of naturalization certificate photograph; provided by Bonnie Cattnach
Mary Banacek Orzechowski, age 53: photocopy of photograph; provided by Bonnie Cattnach
Angeline Orzechowski Johnson: newspaper photograph from Angeline Johnson's obituary; provided by Richard K. Dibble
Stephan & Mary Orzechowski gravestone, St. Mary's Cemetery, Winona, MN: photograph; provided by Bonnie Cattnach
West side of 4th. St. looking north from Main St. Cannon Falls, early 1900s: photograph; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman (1996)
1914 REO 5-passenger touring car: black and white photograph (originally color); from ClassicCarWeekly.net
1914 Ford Model T Touring Car: black and white photograph (originally color); from YouTube, uploaded by BlueLineClassics
Perfection Milker Milks like the Calf: black and white newspaper display ad; from the Cannon Falls Beacon circa 1920, at the Minnesota Historical Society's Newspaper Hub website
Ora Conley (circa 1914): photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Dibble Springs - probably before 1920: photograph by Paul Engstrom; provided by Margaret "Peggy" Dibble Hanson
Charles P. Hall circa 1917: photograph; from Goodhue County, Minnesota in the World War, September 1919: Red Wing Printing Company, online at the Minnesota Historical Society MNDigital.org website
Loyal Red Wing: sheet music cover; from the Library of Congress
Spring View Farm Pure Bred and Grade Holsteins: Black and white newspaper display ad; from the Cannon Falls Beacon, circa 1920, at the Minnesota Historical Society's Newspaper Hub website
North Star College, Warren, Minn.: photograph; from The Augustana Synod, a Brief Review of Its History 1860-1910, by Lawrence Albert Johnson; 1910
The Moruds, circa 1914: photograph; provided by Richard K. Dibble
Emma Morud circa 1914: photograph; from Ancestry.com, posted by Susanne Hytjan
Mineral Springs Sanatorium, Cannon Falls, 1920s: photograph; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman (1996)
Glee Doris Dibble - teenager: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Company D at the Northfield Armory - June 1916: photograph; from the Northfield News, June 30, 1916, at the Minnesota Historical Society's Newspaper Hub website
Gareth Franklin Conley (circa 1917): colorized photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Ora Conley, County Agent: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Alice Dibble Richardson, Louise Nicolaisen, Phoebe Nicolaisen: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Peter S. Aslakson - circa 1920: photograph; from Ancestry.com, posted by Mary Wold Souza
Liberty Bonds poster: digital image of poster; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Private Archie Dibble - 1918: photograph; from the collection of Richard Kenneth Dibble
St. Mihiel Offensive September 12 - 16, 1918: map; from http://roadstothegreatwar-ww1.blogspot.com
Plan of Attack of First Army Sept. 12, 1918: map; from www.businessinsider.com
American troops entering St. Mihiel salient Sep 12 1918: photograph; from www.businessinsider.com
American engineers "returning" near St. Mihiel: photograph; from www.businessinsider.com
2d Division with French Fourth Army, Oct. 2-10, 1918: map; from 2d-division.com
Blanc Mont Ridge circa 1918: photograph; from Blanc Mont Ridge 1918: America's Forgotten Victory, by Romain Cansiere and Ed Gilbert; credited to USMC-HD
French tanks roll slowly through the ruins of Somme-Py - 1918: photograph; from Blanc Mont Ridge 1918: America's Forgotten Victory, by Romain Cansiere and Ed Gilbert; credited to Association du Souvenir de Sommepy-Tahure
U.S. Army Engineers construct a plank road near Navarin Farm: photograph; from Blanc Mont Ridge 1918: America's Forgotten Victory, by Romain Cansiere and Ed Gilbert; credited to Association du Souvenir de Sommepy-Tahure
Camp Hospital No. 4 at Joinville le Pont, Paris District: photograph; from National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Digital Collections
"Miltonian Literary Society" - SD State Agricultural College - 1919: photograph; from South Dakota State College of Agricultural and Mechanical Arts, Brookings SD, 1919, at Ancestry.com
Peter, Daniel & Phoebe Nicolaisen - 1922: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Floyd Ernest Chapman - 1922: photograph; from Application for Seaman's Protection Certificate Nov 1922, at Ancestry.com
Della Dibble Aslakson and daughter Jessie photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Warren City Hospital, 1908: postcard photograph; from the Minnesota Historical Society on-line photo database
Mill St. looking west from 4th. St., Cannon Falls, about 1920: photograph; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman (1996)
The New Edison: Newspaper display ad; from the Cannon Falls Beacon, circa 1920; at the Minnesota Historical Society Newspaper Hub
Glee Dibble & Victor Johnson (early 1920s): photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Bertha Kowitz Dibble (1920s): photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Alice Morud (about 1921): photograph; from the collection of Richard Kenneth Dibble
Glee Dibble & Victor Johnson - May 20, 1922: photographs; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Ora Conley Dreher holding son Eldridge with Sarah Dibble Conley and Alonzo Ahlers - 1923 Cannon Falls: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Alonzo Ahlers, Ed Dibble, Willard Dibble Jr, Willard Dibble: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Ora Conley Dreher & son Eldridge - 1924: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Richard "Dick" Dibble with Shirley "Tink" Johnson - 1924: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
1rst. National Bank, Cannon Falls, c. 1925: newspaper photograph, from a bank advertisment probably in the Cannon Falls Beacon, circa 1970; provided by Richard Kenneth Dibble
Archie & Alice Dibble with son Richard Kenneth: photograph; from the collection of Richard Kenneth Dibble
Sarah Dibble Conley & Eldridge Conley Dreher Owatonna - 1925: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Shirley "Tink" Johnson & Jimmy Johnson: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Bertha Dibble, "Tink" and Glee Johnson: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Phoebe Nicolaisen: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Alonzo Dibble Conley: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Richard Kenneth Dibble with Archie & Alice Dibble: photograph; from the collection of Richard Kenneth Dibble
Lewis Eldridge Conley & daughter Donna - 1927: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
William Conley Dreher & Mary Conley - 1928: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Standing L-R: Dick Dibble, Ben Gorton, Archie Dibble, Bertha Dibble, Emma Gorton, Edith Wilson Seated L-R: Tink Johnson, Alice Dibble, Richard K Dibble, Eleanor Gorton, Glee Johnson: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas (also in Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark)
Ed Wilson (seated), George "Dody" Wilson, standing, Jim Wilson, on Ed's lap: photograph; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman (1996)
Potosi, Wisconsin Railroad Depot and Yards - 1920s: photograph; from the Wisconsin Historical Society; used by permission
Black Friday in Minnesota - October 25, 1929: Newspaper front page; from the Minneapolis Morning Tribune, October 25, 1929, at Newspapers.com
West side of 4th. St. looking south, Cannon Falls, 1930s: photograph provided by M.J. Olson; published in Roots & Wings: a Scrapbook of Time by Connie Bickman (1996)
Conley Family Reunion at Dibble Springs - 1931 or 1932: photograph; from a PDF file in my possession, source unknown
Emma Morud - 1930 Valier High School: photograph; from 1930 Valier, MT High School yearbook, on Ancestry.com
Bertha and Dick Dibble: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Eleanor Gorton - 1931: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Donald Wirth - 1931: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Eleanor Gorton & Don Wirth: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Eleanor Gorton - early 1930s: photograph; from Find-a-Grave.com
Left to right: Edith Kowitz Wilson, Dick Dibble, "Ed", Bertha Dibble, Tink Johnson, Emma Kowitz Gorton, Vic Johnson, Ben Gorton, Eleanor Gorton, Don Wirth: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Alice Dibble Richardson - Mitchell, South Dakota: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Richard Kenneth Dibble (front center) with other unidentified kids - circa 1930: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Adults left to right: Vic Johnson, Glee Dibble Johnson, Judge Charles hall, Bertha Kowitz Dibble, Richard "Dick" Dibble, Archie Dibble, Olive Dibble Hall Children: Shirley "Tink" Johnson, Elizabeth "Betty" Hall: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Jessie Aslakson - 1933 - Minneapolis: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Dibble Springs Picnic Grounds: photograph; from Peggy Dibble Hanson
Zelle Richardson Mills & Frank Mills: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Leonard Morud Family circa 1932: photograph; source unknown
Willard Dibble Sr. with Ag College Alumni: photograph; from the Minneapolis Star March 28, 1934, at Newspapers.com
Richard "Dick" Dibble & Jimmy L. Johnson: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
The Johnsons: Vic, Tink, Jimmy & Glee: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Richard Kenneth Dibble & Archie Dibble with '32 Chevy: photograph; from the collection of Richard Kenneth Dibble
Merlyn D. Holmes - 1935: photograph; from US Naval Academy Yearbook, at Find-a-Grave.com
Anna & Constantin Cichy - circa 1930s: photograph; from Find-a-Grave.com
Bay City Silica Mine - Clarence Casper Johnson at left: photograph; from Bay City Silica Mine, provided by Richard Scott Dibble
Clarence Casper Johnson 1930s: photograph; from Bay City Silica Mine, provided by Richard Scott Dibble
Clarence Johnson (left) knows the drill!: photograph; from Bay City Silica Mine, provided by Richard Scott Dibble
Bay City, WI school house - early 20th. century: photograph; source unknown
Alonzo Dibble Conley & son Gareth Conley: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Hiram & Mary Conley, children of Alonzo D. Conley: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Jessie Aslakson & Albert Wold circa 1938: photograph; from Cammie Anderson tree at Ancestry.com
Inside a Railway Post Office car - 1940s: photograph; from The Mail is Coming! 100 Years of the Railway Post Office in Minnesota, by David A. Thompson, in MN History Magazine at Minnesota Historical Society website
Archie Dibble Train Wreck February 1939: photograph; from the Minneapolis Tribune, February 20, 1939, at Newspapers.com
Wreck Victims Joseph Sexton A. R. Dibble: photograph; from the Minneapolis Tribune, February 20, 1939, at Newspapers.com
Car of Corn Softens Impact of Train Crash: photograph; from the Des Moines Register, February 20, 1939, at Newspapers.com
Richard K. Dibble at the lake - circa 1939: photograph; from the collection of Richard Kenneth Dibble
Richard K. Dibble (early teens) with father Archie and mother Alice: photograph; from the collection of Richard Kenneth Dibble
Standing L-R: Vic Johnson, Bertha Dibble, RK Dibble, Glee Johnson, Tink Johnson, Betty Hall. In front, L-R: Judge Hall, Jimmy Johnson, Archie Dibble, Richard "Dick" Dibble - early 1940: photograph; from the collection of Richard Kenneth Dibble
Sidney Francis Cichy circa 1940: photograph; from Find-a-Grave.com
Edward Alonzo Dibble - circa 1940s: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Back Row L-R: Robert Dreher, Ora Conley Dreher, Charles Dreher, Don Dreher Front Row: Bill Dreher, Eldridge "Al" Dreher - early 1940s: photograph; from the Ora Conley Dreher photo collection, provided by Sarah Fayas
Roosevelt High School yearbook June 1942: yearbook page: from Roosevelt High School (Minneapolis) yearbook 1942, at Ancestry.com
Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Wilson Observe Golden Wedding: newspaper clipping; from The Poe Family down through the Years, compiled by Stephenie L. Flora; PDF document in my possession
Eleanor Galvin & Bertha Dibble February 1944: photograph; from Glee Dibble photo and memorabilia collection, provided by Glee Stark
Celia Orzechowski - 1940s: photograph; provided by Gwen Nelson
Bonnie Gatz - 1944: photograph; provided by Gwen Nelson
Eline Halden Morud: photograph; provided by Richard K. Dibble
Willard Dibble, Sr.: photocopy of obituary photograph, published in Cannon Falls Beacon, 11/26/1972; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson
Willard Dibble and companion at Dibble Springs: photograph; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson
Richard Kenneth & Gladys Dibble 1950: wedding photograph, April 13, 1950; provided by Richard Kenneth Dibble
Dick Dibble's Rayco Store, Indianapolis Blvd., Hammond, IN - about 1960: Color photograph; from Dibble Family Slides, Volume 1, provided by David Allen Dibble
Henry's Hamburgers sign: color photograph of the sign at the only remaining Henry's Hamburgers restaurant, in Benton Harbor, MI; from the WeekAway travel blog site, at: http://weekaway.com/cities/130-southwest-michigan/post/1711-photo-of-the-day-henry-s-hamburgers
Glee Dibble & Bertha Kowitz Dibble: photograph, origin unknown; provided by Richard Kenneth Dibble
Clarence C. Johnson with a grandchild: photograph; provided by Richard K. Dibble
Orzechowski Homestead, Winona, MN: photograph; provided by Bonnie Cattnach
Francis & Rose Johnson's house, Bay City, WI, 1990s: photograph taken by Duane Johnson; provided by Duane Johnson
West side of 4th. St. at Mill St., Cannon Falls, 2000: photograph by Richard K. Dibble, 2000; provided by Richard K. Dibble
Jonathan Dibble house, Cannon Falls, 2000: photograph by Richard K. Dibble, 2000; provided by Richard K. Dibble
The Dibble Farm: photocopy of photograph, published in "Centennial Farms"; provided by Peggy Dibble Hanson